Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас на Longman Summer School 2011, которая состоится 6 июня в СГУ (более подробная информация во вложении). К нам приезжает уже полюбившийся всем Роб Дин. Будем рады видеть Вас на мероприятии и просим предварительно зарегистрироваться по электронной почте.
С уважением, Коллектив ИКЦ «Литера»
Rob was born and brought up in the North of England, and has over 14 years teaching experience. He has taught a wide variety of ages and levels during his time as a teacher, Director of Studies, and CELTA trainer. He has lived and worked in Malaysia, Spain, Slovenia and Poland – where he continues to be based. Over the last two years, Rob has worked exclusively for Pearson Longman as an international teacher trainer and academic consultant, and travels widely delivering talks, workshops and seminars to teachers all over the world.